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Hello you lovely lot,


I have recently published a book and wanted to come on here to tell you a little more about it and why I wrote it. If you would like to get your hands on a copy, just click here 


I have written this book for girls aged 13-17 to provide some sisterly advice having been through a lot myself over the years, and to also bring their attention to the fact that it is ok to not be ok sometimes. 

Life can be challenging and overwhelming for a lot of us, but particularly for the younger generation and the pressures of social media now added to their lives. Finding your own coping mechanisms to help with whatever life throws your way, whether that is bad periods, or suffering with anxiety, and my book is here to offer that first step. 


I have discussed openly in detail various topics, some more thoroughly than others, such as periods, but have also shined a light on mental health issues such as depression and anxiety as seemingly these are all becoming far more common, and it is important to have a slight understanding and awareness from a young age. I also talk about bullying, the pressures of social media, and body confidence, all of which are important, and then I end the book with a very motivating happy chapter, which includes topics such as gratitude and journaling- key when it comes to self-development. 

If you are a parent reading this and are wondering if your daughter is suitable to read this book, I would personally say, and have had others agree with me, that even from the age of 10 years old, everything I cover within this book is something they should know or learn about, to help them whilst they mature and progress in life. Some topics are perhaps still a little taboo, but my aim is to change that, whilst helping young girls in the process, as that is my biggest aspiration. My hope is that this book will also encourage girls to become more comfortable with speaking about these topics and to not feel embarrassed, and therefore, not alone. 


Love and hugs,

Annabelle xxxx



This journal shines a light on a wide range of topics, including periods, body positivity, influence of social media, mental health, forward planning, and more...


5 journal prompts each month, covering the various topics above, to help you find yourself and become more in touch with your body. 


Inspired by the book "YOU ARE YOU" by Annabelle Lucy. 






In months 1-3, you will be focusing on how your periods affect you. Delving deep into your emotional side about how you feel in your own body. Your weight, your skin and your overall emotions, that make you, YOU. 


In months 4-6, you will be thinking about what your body means to you, but also to others, if society has an effect on how you view yourself, how much your life is influenced by those around you, and how you accept people into your life depending on how they make you feel. 


In months 7-9, you will be visiting the deeper you, understanding your triggers and your perspective on the importance of happiness, concentrating on your positive qualities, and reminding yourself that you are enough. 


In months 10-12, you will be highlighting what you want from life and how you vision your future, re-wiring those habits that don't serve you, and understanding what sleep means to you. 



We want to hear from you, so please feel free to message us about anything you would like. Whether it is a question about our products or a chat about period pain and your feelings.




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