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Today is a special day. I would not be having this little miracle growing happily and perfectly inside me if it wasn't for IVF.

I will be forever thankful for the care I recieved and the people that helped and supported me along the way. I will be honest, it hasn't been easy. It is physically and mentally challenging from the get go, and it really does test your strength, but wow it is worth it.

I never thought this would be my story, but here I am. Am egg collection, 2 frozen IVF cycles, two transfers, 13 embabies made through ICSI, and 11 left in the freezer.

IVF gives hope and a chance where there may not otherwise be one. It has allowed me to continue my dream in becoming a mummy, and one day have my precious baby in my arms.

My inbox is always open for anyone going through IVF or thinking about it and needing a friend to talk to.

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