My whole body aches. My whole body is tried.
This time of year makes the whole covid situation a million times harder to cope with. One minute we can see who we want, and the next there are restrictions again. I want to be able to hug my family and friends without the feeling of worry, that they may get this dreaded virus. This time of year should be spent with family and friends making memories, seeing new places, eating lots of yummy festive foods, playing board games, and just being happy and grateful. However, I feel the opposite this year. I am grateful for a lot don't get me wrong, but it is the little things. This year I am working over Christmas, even on Christmas Day which is the one day I have never worked in my entire life, and any breaks I get, i'll be alone. I love my job, and seeing customers on Christmas Day and putting a smile on their face does make me happy, as they may not see anyone else, but really, my heart is truly not in it this year and the last couple of months especially, have been really challenging on my mental health. I am spending a week in Scotland with my family in the new year, so at the moment my focus is on that and just getting through this next week. I want to wish those reading this that are also feeling this way, a very happy and healthy 2022. Keep focusing on that, and your own personal growth in the new year. Start the new year off with a bang. You have got this, you are amazing!