It is ok if..
You miss your old self.
You ask for help.
You need rest days.
You can't do what you did yesterday.
You set boundaries.
You feel sad.
You need to cancel plans.
We are only human, and every day is different. Take the time you need.
I shared this on my instagram @annabellelucyjones the other day and the messages I had in response were something I hadn't expected to receive. We are all so caught up in what our lives should be like, that we fail to remember and focus on what we actually want. We feel lost.
If you are feeling like this and are questioning yourself a lot, then perhaps it is time to sit down with a notebook and pen and write down your dream life. Once you have this, you will find it easier to write down the mini steps you need to take to get yourself there. But, as you do, remember that all of our lives are different and you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else. No, you may not have the energy to do what you did yesterday, or you may need to cancel plans because mentally you don't feel great, but allow these emotions and the days like this, because it won't last forever and tomorrow you can pick yourself back up again and get that motivation to work on yourself and your goals. Every single day is different and so are we.