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I saw my consultant today.


I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in August last year and I saw my consultant again today for the first time since my operation. Both physically and mentally, I am struggling because of my periods. After my appointment today, I am slightly in shock, as not only do I have Endometriosis, but my caecum is 3x the size it should be. I have been told to take medication for this, but it is most likely due to my hormones which are severely imbalanced and are also probably causing my 'contraction' pains each month. If medication doesn't help or resolve this, my only other option is to have my ovaries removed, as they are what produce your female hormones; oestrogen and progesterone. It is all a lot to take in and I am still getting my head around it all, but wanted to share my story because I feel it is important.

I am hoping that by sharing this, it reminds those like me, that they are not alone.

Symptoms can vary per person but the majority will experience severe period pains with heavy bleeding, vomiting, diarrhoea, pelvic and hip pain, as well as bloating, and can also result in fertility issues.

For me, it was nearly 10 years of doctors appointments, countless scans and two operations to get a diagnosis.

I go through super plus or even ultra tampons every hour, I have to set alarms throughout the night just so I don't wake up surrounded by blood, and the pain is so unbearable that it often leaves me rolling around the floor in agony and causes me to be physically sick. It really is pain like no other and this is not me being dramatic, it is just open honesty.

I have incredible support around me, for which I am entirely grateful. You know who you are and I love you.

Periods are nothing to be embarrassed about and if you suffer please don't just push it aside. Your health is important.

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