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I listened to my body and called 111 (very open story)


Updated: Nov 23, 2021

I don't know about you, but when it comes to doctors, I have always had a slight fear, and also the feeling of embarrassment. Most of my hospital or doctors trips have been due to my periods, and up until my diagnosis last year, I had always thought I was perhaps being a little pathetic. I want to stress how important it is to listen to your body. Only you know how you truly feel, do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anyways, let's get on to my little story from this evening...

I started my period on sunday afternoon and it seemed ok until late last night when I was in absolute agony. I luckily got some relief with some strong painkillers, but this afternoon it wasn't the pain so much that was the issue. (Now this is going to be a tad open, so stop reading now if you struggle with period chat). The bleeding was the issue. I don't think I have ever bled so much on my period as I have today. I normally use super plus tampons, but a few months ago I discovered ultra tampons and they have been a life saver as they have lasted far longer, as I was often changing my super plus tampon hourly, which may seem shocking to read for some people, but it was normal for me. Today, however, I was even shocked. I leaked multiple times within an hour and I was using ultra tampons. I was passing large clots, and every time I wiped when changing my tampon, the toilet paper would be completely full of blood. It was very thick too and it made be panic.

After a chat with a close friend (I am not this open with many people), she persuaded me to call 111. This was something I felt really nervous about doing, but deep down I knew something was wrong and health is important so it was something I needed to do. I was on hold for a while and felt like giving up but I didn't, and I am proud of myself for doing so. They said they were concerned so they had a doctor call me. The doctor said it is most likely a fibroid that is causing the heavy bleeding, but advised to get a ultrasound scan done to confirm this. I will call the doctors tomorrow, although if I have anything else wrong with me, I will cry. It was upsetting to get the diagnosis of Endometriosis last year, and I do have some big decisions to make over the next few months, but I guess that is life. Whatever life throws your way, you can deal with, and it only makes you stronger.

This post is mostly to spread awareness of heavy bleeding and periods, but to also make you realise that your health is important and that if you feel something is wrong, listen to your body with how you truly feel. I am proud of myself for tonight, as I normally would just cope with how I am feeling and not ask for help, but just remember to look after and be true to yourself and don't be afraid to ask for advice or even tell a friend how you feel.

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