Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media and slowly your judgmental voice appears? Body image takes over my life. There is no perfect figure, we are all beautiful the way we are, but I do understand it may be hard to look in the mirror at your own body without comparing it to someone else's and wanting change.
Start focusing on the things you love.
Comparing yourself to others, whether they are friends or influencers, isn’t healthy. We all want what we don’t have, but happiness should be our priority.
If you are looking online and seeing photos and comparing your body negatively to them, please remember that the majority of these have been edited numerous times to get them to look the way they do. Cellulite, stretch marks and any uneven tones are edited out to give that flawless look, and this is unrealistic.
I didn't want to be 50 years old, counting calories and hating my body, so something had to change, and that was my mindset. I am one of those that would look in the mirror and pinch the parts of my body that I would wish to disappear. I would step on the scales daily, hoping for the number to go down and would often restrict my food intake if it didn’t. This isn’t healthy, or being kind to myself at all. It will only make you feel worse. I felt week. I was pale. I was unhappy.
This feeling doesn't just go overnight, it comes and goes but I am now able to see the signs and most of the time I can control it in a healthy way.
Loving each and every part of yourself is a process and a journey, and I am sure there aren’t many people out there that love every inch of themselves, but learning to accept your body for what it is and to love it no matter what, can help you move on and find inner peace and happiness within yourself.
It is important to be happy.