The middle of the night was eventful with a trip to the maternity assessment unit to monitor little one. I hadn't really felt her a lot yesterday, and so by the evening when I then suddenly felt very uncomfortable, I decided to call and speak with a midwife, who then asked me to come in and be monitored. Baby girl clearly is stubborn like her mother, and just didn't respond to me much in the day, but as soon as she was strapped to be monitored, she was a little fidget!! Bloody typical! It might have annoyed her as it woke her up, but it might teach her to not ignore her mummy giving her a poke to make sure she's ok!
All good though and I went home within an hour of being there. Her heartbeat was fine and so were my vitals so that's perfect. Scary though!! I really am feeling ready for her to be safely here and happily in my arms, as it's constantly a worry until she's here now, which I'm sure others in this stage of pregnancy are also feeling, so you are not alone!
Spent today mostly relaxing on the sofa, and then I also dyed my hair as it needed doing, although not sure I chose a dark enough brown for it to even look any different to what it was before, but it feels fresh so that's all that matters.
I then ordered an Asda collection for tomorrow. I was going to do a delivery, but given I've been at home all day today, I felt the need for a little trip out tomorrow, so ordered a collection instead. My life is very exciting in this wait for baby's arrival haha!
I do feel completely exhausted daily now though. I need to still do a deep clean of my house before baby decides to arrive, so that I can relax a little when she's here, and just do the basics, but it's seeming like a lot of effort right now, and my energy is slacking. I hit 35 weeks pregnant and WOW it is now uncomfortable.
Anyway, update from hospital as I didn't say it above, is that they confirmed I am having regular braxton hicks, and that she has started to engage so I have a list of what to keep an eye on. They also said she's probably rather big and my bump isn't overly large so it's a little tight in there for her, so when my uterus is contracting with the braxton hicks, it's pushing her and then making it uncomfortable for me, as her limbs then stick out. Fun times, but I have a scan next week which will give me an update on her size and position etc. I really cannot believe I am in the final 5 weeks now!!
