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Blogmas Day 4 - Is she on her way??!


I nearly forgot about Blogmas and I am only 4 days in. I knew it was too much of an ask of myself! Absolutely useless already and it hasn't even been a week yet.

I have however, had a busy day of getting a few last bits in town for my hospital bag (nearly sorted now), and getting a few more comfy clothing items as nothing fits me anymore except one pair of leggings and one pair of joggers, so I picked up a couple of pairs of joggers in Primark and some warmer pyjamas that fit me too! Plus a few newborn babygrows for little one.

Then to Asda for a couple of food bits and a coat for baby girl. Think I am sorted now clothing wise for her. I got home and did the final wash load of her clothes as I picked up a few bits from a charity shop for her yesterday too, so I'm starting to feel more ready for her arrival now.

It blows my mind that I have my 36 week scan next week and then she will soon be here!

Send me your date predictions if you have been following my journey. I would love to know when you think she will decide it is her arrival date!

I am 34+4 today and took these photos this evening. Excuse the pyjama bottoms and the wet hair but I feel ready to pop!

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