How is Blogmas nearly over? And how is it Christmas in 2 days time?! I bet all of those with children have some very excited little ones with only two sleeps to go!! I can honestly say I am not bothered over Christmas this year, but I suppose it's understandable with how heavily pregnant I am now, and how everything, even sitting upright is an effort and uncomfortable! But next year will be so very special that I really don't mind.
I did however manage to go out for dinner with a few friends this evening which was wonderful. I have only left the house to go to Asda this week, so it felt magical to be out having a lovely meal haha! Potentially my last pub/restaurant meal out before I have a little one! We had a well needed catch up- I have missed them!

Tonight was so nice, and it reminds you of what is important, plus the food was SO GOOD!