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Blogmas Day 22 - My baby is the size of a watermelon?!


I am uncomfortable.

I am ready for her to be in my arms now. This evening I am struggling a little with trying to get comfy even on my sofa. I have been able to eat more in the last week or so, because I was struggling with even eating half a normal sized meal a few weeks ago (think because of her position and that she's lower now so I have a little more space higher up?), but now I am able to eat more, I then end up feeling sick afterwards, and my acid reflux too is in full swing most nights! Not long and she will be in my arms.

However much I am done and want her out now, I obviously would rather suffer a few more weeks and know she will be perfect, than her being too early and not quite ready. If she comes on her own accord and puts me in to labour, then I'll have a c section that day and she will be ready as she decided to come. But my consultant said the closer to my due date the better for her being ready for the world! Makes sense, but my gosh it is uncomfortable even sitting down!

Sleep doesn't exist anymore. I feel tired but the insomnia is real. I keep thinking about it in the sense that it's my body getting ready for the lack of sleep when she's here, so maybe it's a good thing??

Also how am I now 37+1. Each week is going so quickly, I cannot believe it! I remember so clearly being 8 weeks pregnant, or even the day I took my first pregnancy test, and now my baby is about the size of a watermelon and over 7lbs!!

I posted another video on YouTube today and would be grateful for some love.

My plan is to basically document on YouTube through videos/vlogs, my solo motherhood life! Anything will be on there and my Instagram so make sure you subscribe and follow if you fancy coming along for the journey! It will be realistic unedited footage, and I cannot wait to share it all and take you along with me!

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