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Blogmas Day 17&18 - Fetal medicine unit scan update


Sorry, it has been a stressful few days waiting for this mornings scan at the fetal medicine unit at the hospital, so I haven't really been myself. I even had a friend ask if I was ok as I've not put much on Instagram, bless her! It actually felt lovely to be noticed that I've gone quiet even though it wasn't intentional and I do normally share everything on my stories, but I think even for me, I needed a little space.

If you haven't seen my recent updates, my growth scan on Friday showed some concerns with the amount of amniotic fluid around baby, and so I was referred to a specialist unit for a scan.

The scan went really well though, and baby is perfect in there and very active. She wasn't too keen on being pushed and poked about, and was rather aggressive with her kicks which made me laugh!

All looking good and baby was measured from top to toe and every limb and bone was checked and no issues found. I am obviously over the moon that my little girl is thriving! They have said the extra fluid could just be because she is on the slightly bigger size and measuring 2-3 weeks ahead, as everything looked perfectly normal and they have no concerns. My c section date is remaining the same, and no further scans or hospital appointments needed. I do however need to be careful, as the extra fluid means extra weight and pressure, and does increase your chance of going in to labour before your due date. Given the scan went so well, they do want to just double check I don't have pregnancy diabetes as it is linked to PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which is what I have as well as Endometriosis, so they want to make sure they can fully rule it out and so I will have a fasting blood test this week. They would be surprised if I have it, but if I were to, they may need to bring forward the c section, so it's best to be sure and get it checked so that baby and I are ok.

So, that's the update for you all. Oh and my hospital bag is now fully packed and ready!!! I have filmed it and will share that tomorrow with you all. I cannot believe I am back on YouTube!!

Go and check out my channel if you fancy it!

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