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Blogmas Day 16 - Braxton hicks, back ache and nausea- Am I nearing labour?? (Also drew a dog today!)


I am at the "feeling completely fed up" stage now. Even eating is effort with how full I feel and how tight my tummy is. Hopefully I get some answers Monday or at least a plan, because I am so uncomfortable moving about and have even started feeling really sick and dizzy every so often, that I'm wondering if labour is soon?! I will be having a c section, so even if my waters break, I'll just go to hospital and it will be arranged for that day before labour progresses, so at least that's ok, I would just rather it be planned obviously! The large amount of amniotic fluid can also be to blame for the severe uncomfortableness I am feeling, as it makes your tummy so much tighter so I got told which isn't a lot of fun.

I did however finish another dog drawing today so that's made me a little more relaxed and happier knowing that's done. I only need to check it in daylight tomorrow and edit it and then that's fully finished and ready for its lovely new home!

A christmas movie and have an early night is tonight's plan I think, as I feel knackered today even though I have barely moved!!

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