It has been a busy day with a lot of emotions.
This morning I had my 36 week scan. This was booked after my 20 week scan as baby was measuring big and was also breech at the time. Baby is no longer breech and hasn't been for a while now, but it also isn't an issue now that I am having a c section anyway, but she is still measuring big. I am measuring 2-3 weeks ahead! The scan also showed I have too much amniotic fluid around her, so I have been referred to the fetal medicine unit for an appointment next week to see in more detail as to why there is so much fluid around her. Hopefully all is ok and it doesn't affect anything, but I am naturally very nervous and worried. I then saw my midwife this afternoon and she reassured me that everything will be ok, but it's best to see if the c section date needs to be brought forward or not and check the cause of the extra fluid. It can also cause preterm labour, but given her size and the fact I'm full term next week, I'm not feeling too worried about that, and to be honest would rather her out sooner than later and know she is happy and healthy, than to keep worrying. I need to be careful this weekend and take it very easy with movie days on the sofa until I have my appointment next week and know more, as I don't want to bring on labour by doing too much. I am so glad I got the washloads and cleaning done over the last few days, that my to do list isn't very physical anymore, as bed rest may be something that is needed, will have to see what is said.
I did however have a lovely rest of the afternoon with some friends round mine for a cuppa and a catch up, and I got lots of cuddles with a friends 6 month old little boy who is totally gorgeous and full of smiles!
Now time for a Christmas movie whilst my little one decides it's the start of her dance party and doesn't stop wriggling- so sweet it makes me laugh every single time! I will miss this bump and feeling her little feet, but I cannot wait to see who she becomes and her little personality!
Happy, healthy and perfect! Not long to go!!