Happy 1st December you lovely lot!!
Wow, it really is crazy and magical to think that my little one could be here this month!
Who thinks she will be a December baby, and who is thinking January??
Anyways, back to advent..
I felt like a child again when I realised I could start my advent calendar this morning! It really does make December a special month. I know we can eat chocolate daily if we want to, but do you not think there is something magical and special about an advent calendar? Or am I still a child and loving the festivities of Christmas too much??
Oh and just you wait until next year when I can do all of this with my daughter!! I had started to come to terms with the possibility of never being able to experience these magical moments of being a mother, and now it feels like a dream come true, that by this time next year, I'll be visiting Father Christmas and seeing all of the beautiful light displays with my DAUGHTER!!
Going off track again I know!
So, as well as my grandma sending me a Dairy milk advent calendar in the post, I also had a parcel from my mother..
Before I tell you what it is, let me tell you that she is very practical and doesn't buy gifts she doesn't feel we need. But this gift took it to a whole new level. Are you ready??...
I got a...
There is a small story behind this, in the fact that it would have been handy when I moved in, to dry my washing given I wanted my house to stay cool in the heatwaves we had, but that then made the clean washing drying process take a lot longer. But I was dying with laughter when I opened it this morning and realised what I had been sent as a gift!! I did also get a Jamie Oliver cook book which will come in handy as I have been wanting to start cooking some decent meals, but how funny about the washing line!
Happy Friday!
